Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Japan has created markets for the darnedest things. For instance, choosing the most tactful gift to suit an occasion consumes Japanese sensibilities.

Consequent multi-cultural mayhem ensues in the form of this pious pee-wee desk robot. Ostensibly, he wields a crucifix/bouquet of violets. Substantively, he is effective at curbing youthful daydreams about coy debs with sensible haircuts.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Devil's Scrapbook

Ewok Celebration Song (Yub Nub)

Father-In Law Day is tommorow and I'd just like to say, one very special gift may well be simply keeping things like this to yourself.

Allay loo tu nuv!

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Benny Hinn: Historic Media Hype-coon

Ignore the evil deeds, think of him as a sincere fideist and he starts to seem like some sort of prototypical post-modern gentleman. Topped maybe by Homer Simpson (that time he warped into the third-dimension).

Consider the wickedness? Consider what keeps the Hinnmeister in PABA-free hair care products? Then acquiesce to Beelzebub, who gives the H-man: 3 1/2 Hooves (out of 5 possible Hooves).

If you didn't acquiesce, do so now.

Friday, July 25, 2008


Too Tough To Die

On LOL Cats

Two major cultural shifts contribute to the internet trend known as LOL Cats: First, the emergence (circa 1400 BC) of crazy cat people; And more recently, the mass distribution of low cost technology and the internet.

I submit:

“Most people today are confident in their ability to recognize LOL Cats and to avoid being taken in by them. So the phenomenon has not aroused much deliberate concern or attracted much sustained inquiry.

In consequence we have no clear understanding of what LOL Cats are, why there are so many of them or what function they serve.”

Yes, but what does this mean for stoic mice?

Journey at the Center of the Earth

Yet another classic story turned into demonstrative blow-up movie (such an unfortunate trend ...we GET it, the mans got initiative to spare).

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Devil's Scrapbook

Scooby-Doo Graham Cracker Sticks

FACT: A mom who gives kids dog biscuit-shaped crackers is cooler than one who gives Townhouse.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Celebrity Simulacrum

Posh Spice - Luckdragon

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I love carrot cake on my birthday I know what they've been missing: plastic babies applied by a team of refugees from Andy Warhol's factory.

Cake Wrecks

The Invisible Man

Upgraded for the nuclear age, this take on 'The Invisible Man' origin story is immensely more thrilling than the Wells account of a 19th century English chemist.

I can't help wonder what happened to all those invisible guinea pigs though. Lost following the accident? Humanly euthanized? I'd like to think they were allowed to live out the rest of their days dining on invisible lettuce.

Toy Story Critique (NSFW)

Super Punch

Monday, July 21, 2008

Not Porn'll have to take my word on this last one, I believe he is murdering someone.

Pipe Dreams

Normally, I revile all rusticated pipes. So I was surprised by the Kent Rasmussen Sandblast Sitter with Ivory Inlay. No less than a paradigm shift wrapped in a conundrum, trading riddles with cake after cake of Virginia blend. If you want great workmanship, artistic design and spectacular materials you found it at $1,200.

"...dogs and cats living together--mass hysteria!"

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Celebrity Simulacrum

Victoria Beckham - TMNT

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Diff'rent Strokes

Mr. Drummond finds the adoption of Arnold and Willis to be the gift that keeps on giving. But getting his swerve on with Arnold's elementary school teacher has a downside ...for Arnold that is.

Friday, July 18, 2008


How to Dress for a Job Interview

  • Conservative two-piece business suit
  • Conservative long-sleeved shirt/blouse
  • Clean, polished conservative shoes
  • Well-groomed hairstyle
  • Clean, trimmed fingernails
  • Minimal cologne or perfume
  • Empty pockets--no bulges or tinkling coins
  • No gum, candy or cigarettes
  • Light briefcase or portfolio case
  • No visible body piercing

Bruce's Homoerotic Batgloves

Miss Cellania

Staring Problem

The latest DVD craze: women staring at the camera. Japan Probe has a theory about these videos.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

SH-Boom SH-Boom

Like many other male children of the eighties, I had a huge crush on Holly from 'Land of the Lost' and to a lesser degree Pippi's friend Annika ... but it wasn't until Leslie Ann Warren's Miss Scarlett from the movie adaptation of the boardgame Clue, when I found the impulse to copulate with a woman on sight.

Poetry Corner

Arguably the greatest sentiment to be screened on cotton jersey since ‘Liquor in the Front and Poker in the Rear‘.

‘Stability of a Penguin’ is presented with innovative meter, wonderfully unsettling subject matter and skillfull use of alliterative melody. Efficient but complicated enough to give the reader something new to discover each time. Easily surpassing the sum of its parts, becoming a tour-de-force survey of human emotion.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Royal Simulacrum

Big Bird - HRH

Legal Department

Due to excessive groddyness, a link to the documentary film Guys and Dolls won't be posted on this blog; in perpetuity throughout the universe.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Devil's Scrapbook

Robot God

Besides having an awesome title, Robot God's Wierd Tales cover features a reference to one of my top ten Lovecraft stories AND the phrase 'I Killed Hitler'. By no means Smithsonian material, but a desirable piece of history nonetheless.

Robot God? How about we just put away the egos and send for I.O.F.

Lambasting 101

"WHOM are you calling an instrument?"
(from the BBC's David Copperfield)

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Hanson- MMM Bop music video
Mercury Records


The Hanson brothers leave their suburban home on foot until a taxi driver drives them to an inner city RTD stop. They debus at an industrial park near a wilderness area and a a cave: a cave to the beach. After clowning around, they go plant flowers in the middle of a dirt road, then leave in a Volkswagen Thing for a joyride. On the way home, the boys stop in front of Thrifty to practice rollerblading.

notes- Whenever possible they talk about being on the moon without spacesuits, people who lived during the roaring 20‘s and “what are we gonna tell the cops?”.

Tragedy of Divorce

"my REAL dad is a croissant...and you will address him as sir."

Friday, July 11, 2008

Garlic Breath

Riana Lagarde claims she recreated the garlic paste found at Los Angeles restaurant chain Zankou Chicken...

Jesse's Girl

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Princess Bride: A Movie Synopsis

The story of a murderer who steals goods and treasure from honest traders using a pirate ship named ‘Revenge’.

Wesley was once a farm boy who fell in love with a beautiful young girl called Buttercup. Abandoning her, he goes out to seek his fortune, reinventing himself as “The Dread Pirate Roberts”. He successfully robs and kills many, many people. Then one day, he hears from a fellow cutthroat... that Buttercup has been kidnapped. So, on a whim he tracks her down to the Cliffs of Insanity.

With the help of a drunken Spaniard, they eventually break up the princess-t0-be's wedding; Thus ruining Buttercup's chances of joining the aristocracy. What happens after the getaway we can only assume. Probably, the three retire to a sex-cult in far-off Gilder with their blood money, Buttercup thoroughly addicted to iocane powder.

How to Say No

If only Joe had access to this information as a boy, instead of relying on regional dialect to serve as his moral compass. But this isn't about Joe, it's about Wittgensteinian language games.

The Aptera

Wouldn't you know, the Aptera is released after street hookers stop wearing mettalic mini-skirts. Damn you postmodernism! Up to 300 mpg; delivery to California customers starting next year. The hybrid costs $30,000 video

Celeb Tat Update

They looked erotic, eclectic, exotic and awesome... but then she just HAD to get one more!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Insect Gladiators

Fairness in these bouts appears highly suspect due to very little sanctioning.

Cookie of the Week

Nilla Wafers

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Close to Home

Mario Car Chase

Monday, July 7, 2008

Top 40 Through the Years

The Shirelles' ‘Will You Love Me Tomorrow’ represents a pivotal moment in music history; Overtly addressing the subject of premarital sex. The lyrics were revolutionary, paving the road for other groups to follow in kind.
A sociological case should be made for the existence of such songs: First, they get people talking about important issues, they also remove taboos which (may or may not) lead to sexual experimentation in youth. And besides, shouldn’t “the music of the people” reflect real-life situations?

The effect would experience an apex with 'Dude Looks Like a Lady' by Aerosmith:

Sunday, July 6, 2008

George Benson: Turn Your Love Around/ Gimme The Night

Complimentary Tattoo Flash Design #cw000023

right click above- Save Picture As

Friday, July 4, 2008


9000 Sparklers

Taking thier positions, with fuse burning, someone adds: "I don't know where the hose is."


Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hydroelectric Dam on High

41,500 cubic feet per second

The Cosby Show

Theo's plan to impress his date with an $80 Gordon Gartrelle shirt back-fires once Denise offers her 'help'. As usual Cliff can't F-ing believe this shit.

Wake Me Up (Jitterbug Into My Brain)

Sexy Star Trek

After watching 'Star Trek: The Original Series', in order and in it's entirety, the verdict is in: Nancy Kovack (Nona from "A Private Little War") earns my prize for sexiest female. Truly a galactic beauty, this ex-wife of Zubin Mehta has the pin-up quality of Marylin Monroe with more acting ability and a tan.
Q. Why don't you include more recent Star Trek characters?
A. Not into

And for the ladies... the sexiest man in television history: Ricardo Montalban as Khan.
['Space Seed']

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Trends in Fine Art


Dubious Ice Cream

I don't mind the idea of anthropomorphic food in the broad sense... I should state for the record though: the gratuitous use of facial hair in said conceptual milieu is an unequivocal abuse of creative license.


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Boy Scout Motto: Observed

(Mom handles Easter)

Top 10 Chocolate Cereals

I was pleased to see that Candy Addict's #1 chocolate cereal corresponds with my personal favorite amongst ALL cereal. For me, absurdly sweet sugary cereals usually bring back images from childhood. So, when providence put a box of Trix in my possesion, Saturday morning cartoons naturally were in order too. But, due to poor planning, all there was to go with the Trix was some Chai flavored Rice Dream. I finally wound-up begrudgingly eating a banana and listening to 'A Prarie Home Companion' instead.